Wholesale of Oregano essential oil and flower water

The wholesale of oregano essential oil is a key part of our business. Oregano essential oil, also known as oregano oil, offers huge benefits to the human body. This is due to its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties but also acting as a natural antibiotic. This is the reason why its demand is growing rapidly in recent years in both the domestic and global markets.
Our company counts many years of experience in the organic cultivation of aromatic medicinal plants and in the distillation of essential oils. We offer high-quality products that are ideal raw materials and will help increase the sales of your business.
Wholesale of Oregano essential oil
By giving special emphasis to each stage of the production of oregano essential oil, we manage to ensure an excellent quality product. 100% natural distilled by the method of dry steam without the addition of solvents or chemicals. Thanks to the specialization of our staff and the modern equipment that our company has, we manage to provide you with guaranteed products that will fully satisfy your needs.
More information about the process of planting and harvesting oregano can be found in the section “Oregano Nursery“. For any other question, we will be happy to contact you.

Who is the Oregano essential oil for?
The wholesale of oregano essential oil is addressed to all companies active in the trade of essential oils. In particular, our company has managed to develop partnerships with various companies. Pharmaceutical, cosmetic, as well as various food brokers. So if you are also active in one of these areas, or generally want to include oregano oil in your products, all you have to do is contact us.
Why choose Herbs & Oils oregano essential oil and flower water?
As mentioned above all our essential oils and flower water are 100% natural. The vertical nature of our company implies complete control in all stages of production, from the production of the plant to the production of the final product, which of course ensures an excellent quality product. Thanks to the experience and the modern machines of our company, we manage to export the essential oil according to the best practices. So we are sure that the products we offer you will exceed your expectations.